Joan Marie Whelan
Joan Marie Whelan is an Intuitive Specialist, A Business Consultant,a Medical Intuitive and a Present/Past RegressionExpert . By utilizing these special gifts, she teaches, inspires and shows people how to take responsibility for where they are today, as they begin to discover and ignite the driving force to transform their lives. To read more about her, please go to : .
Some insightful trivia that might help you understand how my two worlds have converged to build my new Loungewear Designers Classical pieces.
Ever since I was very young, I have had the ability to receive powerful messages in dreams. Very often when I went to bed at night I would ask the Universe, our Creator and Source, to either give me wisdom that I need in my life right now or to share with me something specific that I know will help guide me on my journey. This practice has always benefited my life as I continue to be shaped and molded by Creator. As I continue to share my journey, you will see how some of my messages or answers have arrived in ways that I would least expect.
This classic clothing line has materialized in this same fashion. It all started several years ago when my great-grandfather,George, came to me in a dream and shared a vision of my future. The scene in the dream was just a grand piano with him sitting on its bench. In that short moment, he shared several pieces of my future.
Later that morning as I prepared to go to the gym,I recalled the dream and thought it was absolutely puzzling because I had no knowledge of who that man was and in truth, I thought the whole episode was strange and misguided. I completely disregarded the significance of this message and buried it deep in the filing cabinet of my mind. A note to the wise: "When the Universe wants to get our attention, it finds numerous ways to bring our mental awareness into focus and that is exactly what happened to me. Several weeks later my Mom called and asked me to join her on a trip to the L.A. fabric district to look at material she wanted to purchase. As we were exploring the various fabric shops and becoming acquainted with the area, we stumbled upon a small shop that specialized in silks and very soft and elegant fabrics. We were intrigued and then it happen-- a déjà vu moment of the dream with the gentleman at the piano and I suddenly realized that his message and this face to face encounter with rows of elegant silks began the birth of my "high end comfortable lounge wear line."
One particular pink brocade fabric with gold threads and its design jumped out at me and I began to visualize a beautiful design coming to life in my mind's eye--finished and ready to be adorned by beautiful women. The concept of Joan Marie Classics was born. At a later date, I received further clarification when my grandfather,Julius appeared and stood directly in front of me. He began to show me how the loungewear line would grow and become a vibrant business for my Mom and me. In his message, he was most clear that we needed to get started on this project. The 'We' in that conversation also included him. Our conversation was rather candid and to the point as I replied: "It is easy for you to say'we' when you are not on earth and, of course,I immediately went on to say: 'How is all of this going to happen?'
Fast forward to the present time and you will note that it is happening and this is only the begining. We all expect to see this custom designer lounge wear grow. We are most excited to present to you our fun--beautiful and elegant lounge wear line that we anticipate will be shared through all of our friends and family. We invite you into our family of deserving and empowering women who want to make a statement in all areas of their lives.
I know you will enjoy our pieces as much as we are enjoying creating them for you. If you know anyone going through a challenge in their life,why not give them a gift of one of our pieces--it will definitely improve their outlook--help up-lift their energy and brighten their day. If you need to be inspired and even feel more feminine and special,I invite you to put on one of our pieces and feel your energy shift. We have dedicated our lives to helping people like you heal and release those old ways that have blocked your progress and success. Bringing inner peace and joy to you is our goal. Now we are combining our process of inner work and marrying it to the outer part of you. It is the bringing of two different aspects of self into wholeness. With our lounge wear we believe we will help women feel empowered and uplifted while they experience a renewed sense of feeling 'Special'--This is truly inspirational!
To all the stunning women of the world, embrace the moment--honor your ingenuity and creativity and share your journey with all of our family and friends who have beautiful uplifting stories to share because after all, we are all in this together.

Joan Marie Ambrose
The Mom to many of our followers, the grand dame who is comforting to those who need love and a warm hug, that is, Joan Marie Ambrose. The world needs a Mom like Joan Marie A. and she is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who want to be encouraged and reminded that they, too, have much to offer.
Awakened Intuitives and energy Healers is the legacy that Joan Marie Ambrose and her daughter bring to the world. It is through their combined talents and gifts that they have created a strong bond that has allowed them to branch out into many new ventures where they believe their voice can make a difference to other women who are seeking to fulfilled their highest potentiality. Through their commitment to empower women around the world, they are building a community movement that embraces Feminine Energy so that we can and will find a common thread, a connection and more importantly an out stretched hand that says--you are not alone. Together we will walk with our heads held high as we offer comfort, support and love to all the women of the world who want to use their power to bring forth healing love and light not only to themselves but also to others. We invite you to stand with us because together we are unstoppable.
Tim Whelan
Timothy P. Whelan is a leader and innovator in the design world as a Graphic Designer and Web Developer who has worked with Corporate Fortune 500 Companies, as well as many large and smaller organizations. Timothy is able to utilize his vision and expertise in working with the company in ways that enable them to achieve their end results in a successful and timely manner.
He has implemented and lead in the direction of: Graphic Designer, Art Director, Creative Director, Production Coordinator, Project Manager, Website Developer, and the master of solutions for marketing campaigns, search engine optimizations, print collateral, user interface design, site architecture and website development. Timothy also utilized his skills and tools to help Non-Profits, and various Education Systems hold their vision and move towards something that has a positive impact on people or on a group.
Timothy has been in the industry for 20 years with a BFA in Graphic Design and Computer Presentation from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).Tim has spent the last few years honing his development skills towards application development. We are proud to have him on our team.